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Knowledge of the Ancients

An exploration text game for the web.

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Knowledge from the Depths

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Back To Development

Once again, I’m back to development. I’ve had some re-examinations of the data structures with some other experience and thoughts.

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Unrelated Game Analysis

I’ve been analyzing some other games that are unrelated and even vastly different in scope than KotA to see if they can provide some insight or inspiration for KotA.

I put these games under the arbitrary category “system simulators”, where the player makes choices that manipulate a system of values that affect the general outcome. Two games in particular I’ve been looking at are Princess Maker 2 and Cultist Simulator.

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Module Data Compiler

I’m rewriting the code that loads and validates the module data files. I’ve switched to a formal JSON schema format. However, in doing so, I’m reconsidering how the system handles module data.

Currently, all module non-media data files must be in YAML format. YAML files require more processing to handle than JSON files, but because the system loads the module files just once at startup, it’s not as much of an issue. However, as the system deals with many modules, each one needing special parsing, checking, and internal expansion, this becomes longer running and more difficult for module authors to test.

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Checker for the Text Templates

During the writing of the tests for a fully formed data structure + text template, it’s come to my attention that writing those templates well is exceedingly hard.

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Back On Track

I’m getting back on track for this project after a hiatus creating a job scheduler.

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